Battle stations
prepare for fighting the crew was manning general quarters. That meant the
whole crew was manning all equipment in accordance with an prepared plan.
Apart from battle tasks they were also prepared for emergency situations and
damage control as fire fighting and handling of flooding/leaks and driving
the boat in alternate modes.
To find the target the periscope was utilized for target
identification, and finding bearing and target course. The
sonar would give a god target bearing and with a number of
sonar observations the target course and speed could be
The sub’s weapons were torpedoes and the boat carried 5 off 53 cm heavy torpedoes. Three of them in the
launch tubes ready to be fired. The other were two stowed
atwartships at bunks for reloading into the launch tubes.
U3 could also launch mines

The control room of HMS Svärdfisken (Swordfish). Photo U3 archives.